Publish Legal News with the National Law Review.

Treat your thought leadership to the audience it deserves. The National Law Review (NLR) publishes hundreds of articles per week with professional presentation, promotion, and syndication worldwide, reaching an unprecedented number of legal and business professionals.

Built by Legal and Business Professionals, We Reach Your Audience.

As the leading online business law brand in the U.S., The National Law Review attracts readers from a highly valued audience.

By The Numbers

By The Numbers.

Total Reach per Month*

Monthly Page Views


Highly Educated Audience

Monthly Newsletters

Monthly Advertising Impressions

*Statistics spanning June 2023 thru June 2024, acquired from Google Analytics and Robly Email Marketing.
“Total Reach per Month” includes total page views & newsletter recipients. “Monthly Advertising Impressions” includes total web ads and newsletter ads.


What type of content does the National Law Review publish?

We publish well-researched legal analysis, business, and legal news articles that help educate legal industry professionals, business people, entrepreneurs, and consumers. We syndicate legal analysis, client alerts, law firm newsletter articles, white papers, videos, podcasts, and timely articles focused on key legal and business developments. All articles and videos are displayed with the law firm or authoring organization logo, copyright disclosure, author photo, biography, and contact information. We do not publish press releases, publicity items, court pleadings, or legal forms. 

Thomson Reuters National Law Review adversting client

global reach, thought leadership, respected worldwide

Reach clients, business, and readers with optimized content

NLR editors massage thought leadership and author profiles into proper HTML, optimizing your content for enhanced Search Engine Optimization (SEO). We publish your thought leadership on a time-honored legal publication hourly to our legal news homepage and well-trafficked article pages. We also broadcast content via Facebook, LinkedIn, NLR’s main Twitter account, and 20+ various industry-specific Twitter accounts around the clock. We select relevant stories for republication on the National Law Review’s blog, too, and circulate thought leadership to over 130,000+ legal update subscribers with weekly eNewsletters.

The National Law Review also distributes thought leadership to professional associations and other publications through partners such as Google News, MSN, LexisNexis, Thomson Reuters, Findlaw, BNA, Yahoo News, and Bloomberg.

measurable visibility, increased business, enhanced branding

Benefits of publishing with the National Law Review

Turnkey Process – NLR professionals format and distribute your content, minimizing the work for you.

Control – Retain your copyright and control your message while broadening your reach. NLR content integrates seamlessly with existing branding.

Immediacy – The NLR publishes quality content around the clock, and we can edit or remove firm or business content at any time.

Value – The NLR will fit within your organization’s publication or marketing budget. 95% of our law firm publishers renew their firm’s annual publication subscription.

The National Law Review Article

Visibility – The NLR is one of the widest read online legal publications in the U.S. Your content is found quickly on NLR by legal colleagues, businesses, and consumers across the globe.

Measurable Reach– The NLR delivers real-time, actionable analytics data about readership through robust online analytics.

Thomson Reuters National Law Review adversting client

 global reach, thought leadership, respected worldwide

PR Firms, Law Schools, Retired Judges

Template for information

About the National Law Review

For More than 10 Years, Millions of Legal and Business Professionals Rely on the NLR as their Daily Digital News Service.  Our Print Version and Brand Date Back to 1888. >>>

Need more information on how to cite the National Law Review, reprint permission, how to contact us, who authors our content, the types of law we cover, how we started, or other fun facts? We’ve got you.

National Law Review Publication from 1888

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