Advertising and Promotional opportunities

Digital Display Advertising, E-newsbulletins, social media + content solutions

Built by Legal and Business Professionals, We Reach Your Audience.

As the leading online business law brand in the U.S., The National Law Review attracts readers from a highly valued audience.

By The Numbers

By the Numbers:

Digital & Social Reach:

Digital + Social Media Impressions in 2020

Pageviews in 2020

Twitter Followers Main Acct + 20 Sub-Accounts

LinkedIn Impressions Monthly

Digital Display Advertising:

By developing the leading business law newservice, we reach the CEO, CLO, CMO, CFO, CIO and Small Business audience where they go for legal analysis and provide a highly effective platform with numerous options that reach the decision-makers you seek.   With offerings ranging from geo, demographic and interest targeting capabilities, programmatic direct, real-time bidding, mobile-only, video or static, sticky or dynamic, interstitial, fixed term or fixed number of impressions, the NLR puts your message in front of the right eyeballs at the right time.

The National Law Review Ad Stacks

Home Page Adstack Layout

AD#1 -Leaderboard 728 X90

Located on homepage and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of three, with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#2,5,6 -Rectangle 336 X280

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#4 -Rectangle 300 X250

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#3 -Square 250 X250

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

Article Adstack Layout

adstack homepage bottom
article stack image

AD#1 -Leaderboard 728 X90

Located on homepage and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of three, with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#2,3,4 -Rectangle 336 X280

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#8 -Square 250 X250

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#6,5 -Skycraper 160 X600

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD C1,C2 - 300 X100

Located on homepage, practice group pages, and every article page. Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for and upcharge. Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#7 and Btm Sticky -Half Banner Bottom 468 X60

Located on homepage and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of three with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

Jurisdiction Adstack Layout

adstack article bottom
Jurisdiction adstack

AD#1 -Leaderboard 728 X90

Located on homepage and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of three, with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

AD#2,3,4 -Rectangle 336 X280

Located on the homepage, practice group pages, and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of two with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive pricing.

Btm Sticky -Half Banner Bottom 468 X60

Located on homepage and every article page.  Maximum ad rotation of three with an exclusive position available for an upcharge.  Email for exclusive prici

jurisdiction bottom


Monthly Emails Delivered

Opt In E-Newsletters


Open Rate


Click Through Rate

Reader Demographics:

We’ve assembled one of the largest audiences of legal, business, and high net worth individuals in the U.S. The National Law Review offers you a wide range of tailored programs that connect and showcase your services and events to our highly curated audience, delivering exceptional and cost-effective results. Through a variety of proven platforms, we reach your clients and prospects wherever they are via legal news, video, events, social media, or in their work e-mailboxes.

NLR Readership Income & Education Levels
NLR Readership by Age
NLR Readership by US City Location
NLR Readers Company Size
NLR Readership Company Revenue
NLR Readership Seniority Management Position

eNewsBulletin Advertising:

About the National Law Review

For More than 10 Years, Millions of Legal and Business Professionals Rely on the NLR as their Daily Digital News Service.  Our Print Version and Brand Date Back to 1888. >>>

Need more information on how to cite the National Law Review, reprint permission, how to contact us, who authors our content, the types of law we cover, how we started, or other fun facts? We’ve got you.

National Law Review Publication from 1888

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