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Developed by in-house counsel looking for a simpler way to find vetted legal analysis and to easily distribute legal news within their companies, the National Law Review attracts one of the largest audiences of legal and business professionals in the U.S. over 54 Million Impressions in 2020 on our various platforms.

Built by Legal and Business Professionals, We Reach Your Audience.

As the leading online business law brand in the U.S., The National Law Review attracts readers from a highly valued audience.

By The Numbers

By the Numbers.

Total Monthly Reach

Global Monthly Website Visitors

Average Monthly Ad Impressions

Average Monthly E-Newsbulletin Distribution


Readers with a Bachelor's Degree or higher

Reader Demographics:

We’ve assembled one of the largest audiences of legal, business, and high net worth individuals in the U.S. The National Law Review offers you a wide range of tailored programs that connect and showcase your services and events to our highly curated audience, delivering exceptional and cost-effective results. Through a variety of proven platforms, we reach your clients and prospects wherever they are via legal news, video, events, social media, or in their work e-mailboxes.

NLR Readership Income & Education Levels
NLR Readership by Age
NLR Readership by US City Location
NLR Readers Company Size
NLR Readership Company Revenue
NLR Readership Seniority Management Position

how we reach your audience


Publishing + Syndication

Re-syndication of educational blogs, alerts, videos and podcasts


By Lined Articles + Op Eds

Reach clients, business, and readers with optimized content.


Interviews + Analysis by our Editorial Team

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Our most frequent visitors are attorneys, accountants, business executives, claims professionals, human resource professionals, and upper and middle management


The National Law Review collaborates with the world’s leading lawyers and other thought leaders to deliver subject matter tailored updates and analysis to business Professionals.

About the National Law Review

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For More than 10 Years, Millions of Legal and Business Professionals Rely on the NLR as their Daily Digital News Service.  Our Print Version and Brand Date Back to 1888. >>>

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National Law Review Publication from 1888

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